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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Daniel Scocco: FOKUSKAN DIRI PADA SATU BLOGS UTAMA Bila Ingin Bertahan Hidup di Usaha Blogs

Bekasi, dobeldobel.com
Mengelola sebuah jaringan blogs yang bersifat komersial ternyata banyak sekali godaan dan tantangannya. Bagaimana tidak, taruhlah kita sedang asyik mengelola satu blogs yang memang bertujuan memancing sponsor serta pemasang iklan baik dari narasumber selaku target promosi advertorial. Karena umumnya mereka selalu inginmau ditempatkan di halaman utama, baris pertam dan paling atas maka tidaklah semua bisa diakomodir di satu blogs utama yang kita kelola.

Seperti contoh, saya mengelola dobeldobel.com dan say juga mengelola kelankuliner.com dengan menempatkan sponsor di sebelah kanan serta head banner. Karena beberapa sponsor selalu minta di bagian utam seprti halman teratas atau head banner utamanya, mak terkadang saya timbul ide kreatif untuk membuat blogs yang serupa. Rupanya hal ini dipantau oleh seorang mitra saya dari luar negeri tepatnya Brazil. MEnurut dia apa yang saya lakukan ini sangatlah berbahya bagi kelangsungan eksistensi blogs utama yang sedang saya kelola.

Tadinya saya nggak peduli, toh bagi saya Daniel Scocco nggak akan mengerti keadaan lokal Indonesia dan kondisi sebenarnya kenapa saya harus membuat jaringan blogs yang mirip dan sejenis yang bertujuan memancing banyak pengiklan memasang di blogs saya dengan tayangan prima di setiap blogs saya. Tapi akhirnya saya mulai mengerti apa yang sebenarnya dikuatirkan oleh teman saya dari Brazil itu.

Sebagi bahan perbandingan dan mencoba memahami kesalahan fatal apa yang telah saya lakukan sehingga blogs saya nyaris bisa terancam jatuh, berikut tips dari Daniel Scocco, Brazil.

Hi sidik rizal,

Daniel Scocco here, and this is the Daily Blog Tips newsletter.

Today I want to talk about a deadly business mistake that I see many
people making, especially bloggers and online entrepreneurs.


The Internet is certainly erupting with opportunities. All it takes
is an idea and passion to build a website around it, and in a matter
of months you could have a real business on your hands.

Curiously, the abundance of opportunities is also what leads many
bloggers and entrepreneurs to fail. How come? Because they end up
trying to pursue too many of them at the same time.

I have seen it over and over again (and even stepped there myself).
The guy creates a site or blog, and after a while the traffic and
revenues become decent. He figures that if he creates 5 more similar
websites, his traffic and revenues will multiply proportionally.


By creating 5 similar websites he will be diluting the amount of
attention and care that each site receives. More often than not
he will end up with 5 mediocre websites, each earning some revenues,
but with no potential to become a business.

If you want to create a real business out of your blog or website
you will need to focus ALL your energies and attention on it. Lack
of focus is one of the deadliest mistakes that a blogger or
entrepreneur can make.

At this point you might be wondering: "But I have seen bloggers
with several successful blogs, and entrepreneurs with several
successful companies, how do you explain that?"

It is simple, they all started with a single blog or company, and
focused 100% of their energies on that, until it reached a point
where it could walk alone. For a blog, this would be a point where
you have a large and loyal audience, so that you can keep it going
by writing content only (which shouldn't take more than 2 hours
per day, and could even be outsourced). For a company, this would be
a point where the owner can have managers or employees taking care
of the operational work, while he steps back and only worries about
key strategical decisions.

Once you reach that point you could start a second project without
the risk of losing your focus.

The problem is that most people start second and third projects way
before their first one is complete.

If you are in this situation, do something to fix it. Analyze all
your websites and find the one that has the highest potential of
becoming a real business. Then get rid of the others (either by
selling them or by putting them on hold), and focus all your energies
on the chosen website.

It is a tough strategical decision, but in the long term it will
pay off.

The takeaway message: focus is vital.

Talk to you soon,
Daniel Scocco
Rua Samba, 4, Salto, 27 13320000, BRAZIL

1 comment:

  1. Artikel yang bagus nich..dobel2..
    thanks and visit back me more..
    good luck..!


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